7 Ways Pets Improve Our Mental Health

Man’s best friend.  Emotional Support Animal.  Fur baby.  All of the above?  MIllions of Americans have pets and consider them to be integral to their mental well being. To many, the idea that pets improve their life is an obvious yes.  But maybe to those who are not a “dog person” it isn’t so obvious. The idea of a pet being a pillar of your well being is hard to fathom for those who haven’t experienced it.  Even within the pet owner community there is a spectrum between those who see their pet as just an animal to those shocked by the idea of not sleeping with your pet. Pet ownership has skyrocketed during the pandemic, and it is no coincidence that during a time of extreme isolation and stress many sought comfort from a new pet.  Pets take a high priority in their owners lives, and live a pampered life. Last year, Americans spent over $103 billion on products for their pets.  68% of households have at least one pet.  Clearly we value the companionship of these lovable animals, so there must be something in it for us? Let’s look at 10 ways dogs improve your mental health.

1. Exercise

It is well established that increased exercise leads to improved mood and stress tolerance.  Owners of dogs are more likely to take walks and exercise, even if it is only for the dog’s benefit.  This increased activity helps provide the endorphins to raise your mood as well as keep you fit.  Moderate physical exercise works as a stress relief and allows your body to have an outlet for aggression.  Getting out of the house for periodic walks assists with anxiety as it serves as a calming moment of zen, where one can let go of the stresses of the day.  Being healthy and in shape also leads to high confidence and self esteem related to one’s body, which can go a long way towards improving mood.

2. Boosting Confidence

Most pets require that you train them and housebreak them.  This takes serious effort and can be a challenging test of patience and compassion.  The upside is that the payoff for this challenge is the feeling of accomplishment.  Seeing a visual reminder of all the hard work you invested is a great validation of your skills and effort.  Seeing a dog listen to you and perform a trick you spent a month working on is a great feeling that leads to pride and confidence.  The feelings of resilience and efficacy of being able to appropriately push past the difficult moments is a great boost to your confidence and self esteem.

3. Creating social connections

Humans are communal creatures.  We long for connection and social contact.  Dogs too live in packs and naturally flock together in communities.  No wonder why the two are a pair, where a dog can offer back a level of companionship that is unmatched. Feelings of isolation and loneliness are common when experiencing depression, and having the steadfast company of a pet is a huge support.  Not to mention that having a pet gives you access to the pet community. Whether it be dog parks or training lessons, there is now a whole community with mutual interests that is available for building new relationships.  You already have one interest in common. It can be taken even a step further and become involved in a volunteer organization on behalf of animal care or rights.  Volunteer organizations are a place filled with positive energy and happy people, looking to interact and build community towards a common goal.  What a great environment to start to build strong and lasting relationships.

4. Provide routine and structure

We all know that keeping a structured and organized day is key to staying productive and active.  Staying productive and active both contribute to feeling fulfilled and happy.  Keeping this structure is no easy feat and can be compounded by anxiety or depression symptoms.  Boredom is an easy trigger for rumination and depressive thoughts.  Animals require that you keep a routine. A pet owner must feed them at appropriate times, let them outside for bathroom breaks, and take them on walks.  Not to mention routine grooming or healthcare.  This may feel like a double edged sword at times, but these responsibilities are an easy way to set up routine and structure in your life. 

5. Assist with emotional regulation.

Animals are an easy gateway into mindfulness coping skills. The idea of petting and seeking comfort from an animal while we are in distress seems like a natural and obvious choice.  Looking closer at that, we can recognize the use of several mindfulness tactics.  Petting an animal utilizes the idea of sensation focussed working with our sense of touch and feeling the warm fur run between our fingers.  Even the interaction from the dog serves as a distraction to help you sit through the discomfort of difficult emotions.  Animals are available for comfort, and will sit beside you without asking questions or feeling uncomfortable.  They are easy to access and enjoy your company.

6. Motivation during hopelessness

A common symptom of depression is a lack of motivation and hopelessness. Finding the strength to get up and push through their symptoms requires immense effort, and is not easily done. Those struggling with depression can find it challenging to even get out of bed and complete basic activities of living. Maybe they don’t see the point of going through another difficult day.  Imagine not having the strength or desire to wake up and go through the motions, and that no one will notice if you disappear.  Then you look over and see that there is a sweet innocent pet that sees you as the center of its world, and relies on you for literally everything.  Animals require you to be fed and taken care of.  Being in charge of the life and care of another living being is a large responsibility that requires you to stay accountable.  Even if you cannot find a reason to get out of the bed, your pet requires you to get up, feed it and take appropriate care of it.  This responsibility is serious and is often enough to help someone push through depression and get up and moving, even if only for the sake of something else. 

7. Source of Joy

Anhedonia, or the inability to experience joy is included in the criteria for depression.  Despite engaging in many of their favorite activities, those suffering from depression find it hard to experience pleasure or joy.  It is often a struggle to identify the good in their life when experiencing such negative bias and a negative worldview.  Pets are an easily accessible way to find joy, whether through engaging in play, petting, or looking at old pictures of them in Halloween costumes. Pets are experts at being present.  They will sit next to you and give you their entire attention, providing easy access to fun and happiness.  This should not be entirely surprising at all, given the prevalence of animal videos on Youtube.  Pets have their own personalities and can provide the cheer you need simply through their own actions. 

Mankind and animals have coexisted for thousands of years, and have lived together in harmony.  It is no revelation that the company of an animal is beneficial to our mental well being.  Equine therapy and service dogs are a well proven modality for care, showing positive results for ADHD, PTSD, and ASD.  The majority of us own at least one animal and have quick access to the benefits and opportunities provided by our furry friend.  All things being equal, utilizing our pets as a way to improve our mental health seems like a pretty enjoyable route to choose.  Consider these 7 ways a pet improves your mental health an open invitation to spend more time snuggled up with the animal of your choice.  Even if their cute face is enough of a reason.