Burnout and Mental Fatigue

2020 has been a hard year.  One stress on top of another,  all on top of giant external threats that we all have to deal with. Global Warming. Covid-19. Divisive Politics.  All of these on their own warrant extra concern, but together seem to be so much for us to take.  How are you dealing with this year?  Are you feeling the burnout and fatigue?   As we head into winter it is worth considering what actions you need to take to stay centered and calm amidst an environment that is anything but.  The walls are burning down, and our challenge is to stand still with a quiet mind to outlast the chaos.  I encourage you to look at what your self care is, and to really challenge yourself on if it is enough.  We all need to look after one another, but we cannot do so if we are not taking care of ourselves.  Find your outlet, your quiet place. And prioritize it.  Make it into your routine or schedule.  We want to be the branch that bends during the storm, not the one that stands strong and then snaps. Burnout is real, and it is something you can avoid if you take care of yourself. Self care is different for all of us. For some it is pampering, others it is exercise. It can be as unique as you are, as long as it recharges you. While hard to find time to dedicate to your self, it is instrumental in building resilience from stress and burnout.